Green Valley Elementary

Green Valley Elementary

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Thank you to Hendrick Automotive

Mr. Singer accepted a check for $800 from Hendrick Auto.  Thank you to
all of our parents and faculty who test drove an automobile for Green Valley! 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Thank You!

What a nice surprise for our teachers! Thank you to Discovery
United Methodist Church.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Healthy Careers Day

Every year, Mrs. Hines, our counselor, organizes a Career Day.  This year, the theme was Healthy Careers.  Our visitors were the Hoover Fire Department and Paramedics, personal trainer, basketball coaches at Miles College, yoga instructor, Fleet Feet, Radiologist, outdoor recreation sales, pharmacist, Earth Fare, Alabama Dance, Hoover Rec Center, sports medicine physical therapist, and a pediatric optometrist. We learned about these jobs and the training or education required to be qualified for these positions.   I expect to see some of our Green Valley students pursuing healthy careers!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Fairy Tales - Performed by Simmons Theater

Green Valley Kindergarteners, 1st and 2nd graders were treated
to a performance by Simmons Middle School.  It was an
audience participation play in which students in the audience get
to help the wolf blow down the pig's house, grow into trees to
hide Snow White and come on stage to be the dwarves!  I think
we have some future performers!

A Visit with Nancy Carlson

A representative from each grade level was chosen to eat lunch
with our visiting author.

Field Day!

The weather was perfect, the students showed great
sportsmanship, and we all had fun!  Ms. Howard and her 
crew did a wonderful job organizing such an enjoyable day.

A big thank you to Hendrick Automotive for allowing us to test drive
their vehicles to earn money for our school!

Thirsty Kindergarteners!

Riding in style!